






8 - 23 Jun 2024

AICON is known for her special method using stripes where hiding images appear from her piece. In her work you can experience all three types of dimensions - lines as one dimension, a group of lines as two dimensions, and when you take a step back and see her art, an image will appear as 3 dimensions

AICON's work flows from one dimension to another and her viewers are drawn in an instance.

AICON says she wants to express [humans as merely a substance] through her stripe patterns.

As humans evolved our intelligence developed and we started thinking strongly about the meaning of existence. Although this is a precious thing that only humans can do, this may at times narrow our own thinking. This reality motivated AICON to start her special art style.

In a world of constant change, AICON's work revisits simplicity and our purpose of existing merely as a substance. This expresses not good nor bad but a simple state of being. She has removed all the extra things in her design which results to even a sense of comfort in this world of overloading materials.


A painter from Japan. Graduated from the Department of Western Painting at Kyoto Seika University in 2008. Began activity in 2014 after working as a graphic designer and web designer. Their unique worldview has garnered attention, leading to exhibitions both domestically and internationally, as well as a wide range of activities including collaborations with apparel brands.

information provided by event organizer