




Various Artists


18 May - 2 Jul 2024

Nova Contemporary is pleased to present Orbital, a group exhibition of works by ten artists, Anna Jung Seo, Dana Powell, Elinor Stanley, Grace Lee, Kin-Ting Li, Prae Pupityastaporn, Rasha Omar, Xiao Hanqiu, Xi Jiu, and Yage Guo.

Orbital presents a constellation of paintings about the aesthetic and symbolic phases of the moon. The included works wax and wane in continuos vacillation. Propelled by the blind and driven forces of the seasonal and emotional, they at once capture solitude and communion, dream and reality, or the changeable and inevitable. Brought together in a sweeping cycle in the gallery, these paintings form their own cycle of time, acting as testaments to what returns again and again.

information provided by event organizer