




Pongpon Preechanon


11 - 31 May 2024

Currently, the concept of Parallel - worlds or time dimensions remains largely in the realm of philosophical belief. There's a lack of concrete scientific evidence to confirm their existence. This, however, opens doors for us humans to use our imaginations without limits and explore worlds beyond our current understanding.

One theory about parallel worlds suggests that another world might exist with a completely different technological development compared to ours. They could be far more advanced or far behind us. Their culture could be unique, shaped by distinct perceptions and advancements.

Another possibility is the existence of another "you" live in a completely different environment. Perhaps this other you reside in a world filled with strange creatures, or maybe in a world where animals possess a high emotional intelligence, allowing them to communicate and understand things on a more complex level than animals in our dimension.

Even the existence of a universe where a different species, not humans, stands at the top of the food chain is a possibility.

The concept of parallel worlds or time dimensions is fascinating and prompts us to consider possibilities beyond our current comprehension. While there's no scientific proof yet, imagining these things helps us broaden our perspective and learn about the vast potential realities within our universe.

information provided by event organizer