




Aekapong Jaibun


1 - 31 May 2024

Nothing can compare to the moment of beautiful butterflies landing on a tree covered with fully bloomed pink flowers.

What you see may not be entirely true because the butterflies are from the eggs that the mother butterflies have laid on the bark of that tree before. The eggs become caterpillars and they feed on that tree until they become fully grown butterflies. What if there are too many caterpillars and they are enough to destroy the core of that tree and kill it? We might see neither beautiful flowers nor those butterflies again next year. Should we be angry at those butterflies because they destroy that tree? However, when you think about the fact that caterpillars feed on the tree to survive and conserve their species. On the other hand, the tree will survive if it is not seriously damaged. Even if it is killed, it still leaves some seeds to bear new trees as a cycle of life.

When we pay attention to nature closely, one life is lost and another is born to compensate. Nothing is too much or too little. When we learn how to let go of things and adapt ourselves, we can live our lives more simply and be always ready for new changes around us.

information provided by event organizer