




Jakkapong Thapkoa


25 May - 16 Jun 2024

“Subconsciousness” is a comeback solo exhibition of “Jakkapong Thapkoa”. The artist who expresses the story before humans will be indulged in the subconsciousness of passions. Hence he would like to reflect to let humans realize and appreciate the value of life without being lost and clinging onto the cycle of passions. But living to perceive and comprehend the Dhamma teachings, the morale and the beliefs to direct our lives to the way of the goodness and the liberation.

Subconsciousness, where a mind is being lost and living without consciousness, can cause by happiness, sadness and a daydream. These imaginations inspired me to reflect on the current society of humans. When a man is obsessed in what will take him to the state of physically and mentally disgrace, thence he could not apprehend but be indulged in the dream and imaginations without knowing what he is doing and he is being will take him to the righteousness or happiness and how misery will return to him. It is undeniable that humans have to live their lives with passions because these things have somehow driven their lives in the present. Nonetheless humans are obsessed with those things deeper than their needs which has turned into insanity and unmindful thought, leading to the darkness of life. Human then will fall into becoming the victim of these passions and it will be difficult to return to the goodness.

information provided by event organizer