



The Stroke

Lee Kuan Lian and Wang Kuan Ya


23 Apr - 23 May 2024

The Stroke exhibition pairs two artists from Taipei, Lee Kuan Lian and Wang Kuan Ya, together to showcase Chinese ink paintings that present Eastern philosophy through the form of contemporary art. Lee Kuan Lian's Symbiosis is the ink painting series installation with carpet on the floor. The work of art takes up the space from eye level to the ground, inviting the audience to reflect on their standpoint while maintaining balance among the inevitable changes of nature for sustainable living. It is consistent with the philosophy of "Laozi", the Chinese philosopher who invented the "Tao". Symbiosis means the unity of opposites, which comes from the philosophical concept of Laozi's Tao Te Ching, and the pattern of the carpet comes from the concept of Tao in the I Ching. The I Ching and Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching are both very important ancient philosophies in Chinese culture. Meanwhile, Wang Kuan Ya's Hot Doooog Cart offers a contemporary take on Calligraphy Arts through her brushstrokes. The required precision creates the beauty that is ordinary, uncomplicated, yet beautiful and poetic. The space of the work functions as much an essential part as the ink lines of Dachshunds, provoking the audience to think about the truth of all things that the human eye chooses to see and give importance to.

information provided by event organizer