



Since the Time Immemorial

Rachata Siriyakul


27 Apr - 19 May 2024

“Since the Time Immemorial”

“The artworks that you all have seen are a reflection of yourself and our ancestors’ human race. It is a fascination of a creator whose creation based on a background and the aggregation of information and the way of mankind’s life. The Romance on facing the world and remaining a fragile warm-blooded human race; “Blood” of our ancestors has still shrieked and flowed in our bodies. Bravery and determination that have been driven our race to love, to hate, to campaign against the war, to share and to compete the power that impels the humans’ bones like us to cross the limit of fear. Madness that we’ve never imagined. What a power that has made us to be us today? What kind of power and scents that have been inherited from our ancestors through “Blood, flesh and bones”.
- Rachata Siriyakul –

Rachata Siriyakul with his professional outstanding brush line and explicit expression in western painting techniques, Venetian Renaissance, the exquisite technique that emphasizes every steps. The fascination of this ancient technique is called “The never ending work”, which can be modified or increased all the elements freely and limitlessly.

information provided by event organizer