



Visitor Footprints

Warawut Tourawong


1 - 30 Jun 2024

“Visitor Footprints" by "Warawut Tourawong" is his first solo exhibition in collaboration with Number1gallery. The artist portrays the interaction between humans and various environments, especially natural surroundings like trees and beautiful grasslands. Through his artwork, he invites us to feel the deep connection between humans and nature, while also raising awareness about the environmental issues we are all facing. These environmental problems are escalating, leading to a worsening situation where our interaction with the natural world will never be the same again.

This exhibition presents a story through the context of paintings, which act as evidence of certain actions by the artist as a human being. This includes expressing emotions and attempting to control behaviors to create various imprints on the canvas. All of these actions stem from our inability to foresee the future situation between ourselves and the environment around us. We may only be able to make small, gradual changes in our behavior and accept the stories left behind by the remnants of the past that humans have collectively constructed up to the present day.

information provided by event organizer